Friday, January 27, 2012

January News

    We celebrated our 100th day of school this week, but that does not mean our work is done!  We are still working hard.
     We are still working on writing our biographies of a famous person.  This is a slow process since it is probably the first time they have attempted to write a research paper.  We work on them everyday, so they should be completed and ready for presentation soon.  While working on our papers we continue our review of sentence structure, and focus on our parts of speech with discussion of nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
    In math we just completed a unit on shapes, with discussion on symmetry.  New vocabulary words like rotation, translation, and reflection were learned.  Our next unit will be on measurement with standard and non-standard units.  Soon we will break out the rulers and measure in inches and centimeters.
   Next week will be the Science test over living things and their environment.  Then we will move on to Social Studies where we will learn about some early American History, with discussion of the Revolutionary War.
   We are still reading Little House on the Prairie and completing our reader response journals as we read.  Thank you to those of you who sent a copy of the book with your student.