Monday, November 5, 2012


     The month of October has come to an end with our annual Halloween Party.  Students began with a walk around the school to show off their creativity and then returned to their rooms for the fantastic party the room mothers had planned. Fun was had by all, and we appreciate how much our parents do for us.
     We just completed  math units on two digit addition and subtraction.  We will begin two digit subtraction with borrowing as our next unit.
     One of our new writing standards for second graders is the ability to write a persuasive paper. We are writing a persuasive piece on our favorite dish that should be served for Thanksgiving dinner. Students are coming up with some traditional and not so traditional dishes for the holidays!
     We just finished our unit on animal types which culminated in a trip to Mr. Keehn's room in the high school.  Students were very excited to see and touch different animals and we were even able to take a real snake skin back to our room.
   Some of the students will begin to put together a power-point presentation over the animal groups they learned about.  This will also help them become more familiar with computers.
     We continue to read excellent literature in our new reading books and work on the second grade standards that students will be tested on in third grade.
     We started a social studies unit on landforms and maps. Finding locations on a map and describing the direction has proven challenging.
     So second grade is off and running!